Childcare & Early Years

Our childcare qualifications are designed to prepare you for working with children from birth to five years, with knowledge of children up to seven years. You will benefit from high quality work placements with local nurseries and primary schools – this experience often leads to a range of rewarding and exciting careers.

You will hear from guest speakers from the childcare sector, take part in group enrichment activities, such as theatre trips, and get involved in charity events or other trips at home and abroad.

We are looking forward to you joining us in September when you start your journey towards creating an outstanding future.

If you have any queries about your application or starting College, email us on or call our friendly Admissions team on 01942 761111.

Step 1: Welcome to the Department
Step 2: Taster Activity
Step 3: Career Zone
Step 4: Open Evening
Step 5: Virtual Tour
Step 6: Apply to Wigan & Leigh College
Step 7: Interview for College
 Step 8: New Student Day
Step 9: Important Information for your course
 Step 10: Enrolment