- Accountability Statement
- Assessment Policy
- Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- Certificate of Employers’ Liability Insurance
- Complaints Procedure
- Covid Secure Risk Assessment
- Data Protection Policy
- Data Retention Schedule
- Disciplinary Policy
- Equality Impact Assessment
- Exams: Digital
- Exams: Written
- Fees Policy
- Freedom of Information
- Further Education Admissions Guidelines and Procedure
- Gender Pay Gap Narrative
- Health & Safety
- Learning Agreement
- Moodle Accessibility Statement
- No Mobile Phones Policy
- Remote Education
- Strategic Vision 2024-2027
- Trade Union Facilities
- Warnings to Candidates
- 16-18 Tuition Fund
- 16-18 Bursary Scheme 2023/2024
Higher Education Policies and Procedures
- Access and Participation Plan 2025-26
- Fee Summary 2024-2025
- 19/20 Provider Impact Report
- Student Protection Plan
- Higher National Academic Appeals Procedure
- University Centre Admissions Guidelines and Procedure
- University Centre Student Transfer Arrangements
- Transparency Information
- Student Collection Notice
The information published on the above link shows:
- The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us
- referenced to one or more of the following:
- the gender of individuals to which they relate
- their ethnicity
- their socio-economic background, in the form of the English Index of Multiple Deprivation (EIMD) 2019.
The College’s Legal Status is a Further & Higher Education College Corporation established in the provisions of Section 15 of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 which was incorporated on 1st April 1993.
The college is a charity which is an exempt charity for the purposes of the Charities Act 1993 under the provisions of Section 22a of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992. The College does not have a Charity Registration Number and as an exempt Charity which is not required to register with the Charity Commission.