T Level Digital - Digital Production, Design & Development

33005W1 | Parson's Walk Centre, Wigan
Start Date | 02/09/2024
Time/Day | FULL TIME

Is this course for me?

• Those with career aspirations to work in IT in the digital sector, or in a variety of businesses that have digital requirements, such as a company website, or staff IT system.

• Those who want to work in gaming, software development and programming sectors.

• Those who prefer exams to coursework and are keen to develop experience in work placement.

What will I study?

You will cover:

• business context and environment

• change management

• concepts and fundamentals of data

• digital analysis and environments

• diversity and inclusion

• emerging technologies

• security and legislation

• project planning

• development and testing of IT systems

• use of collaborative technologies.

How long is the course?

Full time for two academic years.

How will I be assessed?

External examinations and and Employer set Project in year 1 and examinations in year 2

What qualifications do I need?

A minimum of 5 GCSEs, graded 9-4, including English and Maths. You will also need a Level 2 Merit grade, or a GCSE in Computer Science/IT at grade 4.

What can I progress onto?

T Levels will prepare you for employment and a dynamic career. Due to the broad range of topics covered on the Digital T Level, you will be ready for a career in a variety of sectors.

Roles may include:

• Assistant Programmer

• Junior Application Developer

• Software Development Technician

• IT Support Analyst.

You may choose to progress to degree programmes, or higher apprenticeships, in Computer Engineering, Games Programming or Computer Science.

Other Information

• You will study in our brand new digital skills academy with access to laboratories focussing on:

- robotics and artificial intelligence

- internet of things

- digital technologies and cyber security

• The course will feature guest speakers and visits, including a trip to Amazon and Manchester Airport.

• You will also have access to Robotics and Gaming clubs and the World Skills competition.

• We will help you to secure a work placement in one of a range of businesses, within easy commute, with substantial IT departments, or within the digital sector itself.

Course Fees

16-18 Year Olds 19+ year olds Free for eligible learners? Is Loan Available?
Yes No

Course fees shown are per annum for University Centre courses. Courses lasting longer than one year, fees will be payable per year.

All other courses show the total fees payable for the course.

If you need advice on any financial support that may be available to you, please contact us on applications@wigan-leigh.ac.uk or phone 01942 761111

Wigan & Leigh College endeavours to ensure that the information provided on the website is accurate. All courses are offered subject to student numbers and the College reserves the right to amend, withdraw or amalgamate any of the courses, fees, services, locations or facilities described at any time. The College cannot accept liability arising out of such changes or connected to such changes, however it will undertake to minimise disruption to students.