NCFE L2 Certificate in Creative Craft Floristry

36085W0 | Parson's Walk Centre, Wigan
Start Date | 02/09/2024
Time/Day | 10:30 - 15:00 TUE/WED/TH

Is this course for me?

if you love plants and flowers, and you have artistic talents, this could be the career you are looking for. Florists use their creativity and knowledge of plants and flowers to design and assemble flower arrangements. They also design bouquets and wreaths. To be a florist, you should have good practical and communication skills, to explain your ideas to customers. You will develop great customer service skills to complement your helpful and pleasant manner. This course offers the opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills to give access to a wide range of career opportunities in the floristry industry. It provides the opportunity to develop skills in basic floristry by assembling designs, with support and guidance in practical workshops.

What will I study?

How to create a wide variety of practical designs to include tied, wired and designs in medium. Designs for a variety of occasions including weddings, funerals and other celebrations.

How long is the course?

1 Academic Year

How will I be assessed?

Continuous assessment with a final design piece.

What qualifications do I need?

16-18 A minimum of 5 GCSE subjects graded 9-1

19+ No prior qualifications other than a level of literacy

What can I progress onto?

NCFE L3 Certificate in Creative Craft Floristry

Course Fees

16-18 Year Olds 19+ year olds Free for eligible learners? Is Loan Available?
£362.00 Yes No

Exam Fee


Course fees shown are per annum for University Centre courses. Courses lasting longer than one year, fees will be payable per year.

All other courses show the total fees payable for the course.

If you need advice on any financial support that may be available to you, please contact us on or phone 01942 761111

Wigan & Leigh College endeavours to ensure that the information provided on the website is accurate. All courses are offered subject to student numbers and the College reserves the right to amend, withdraw or amalgamate any of the courses, fees, services, locations or facilities described at any time. The College cannot accept liability arising out of such changes or connected to such changes, however it will undertake to minimise disruption to students.