Sociology A Level

22467W1 | Parsons Walk Campus
Start Date | 01/09/2025
Time/Day | FULL TIME

Is this course for me?

You're in control of your subject choice, great if you're not sure about your future career.

Choose three or four from the following:

• Biology • Business • Chemistry • Computer Science • Economics • English Language & Literature • English Literature • Fine Art* • History • Mathematics • Media Studies • Physics • Politics • Psychology • Sociology

What will I study?

Sociology is the study of social life, human behaviour patterns and interactions. It provides us with better understanding and reasoning for societal differences.

Beliefs: Examine ideology, science, NRMS and NAM as well as relationships of different social groups.

Families and households: The relationship of the family is explored in detail, as well as looking at changing roles of men, women and children in modern society. Global changes are also examined.

Education: The role of the education system, differential achievement based on class, gender and ethnicity. Relationships between students and teachers, labelling and the hidden curriculum.

Crime and deviance: You will explore explanations of crime, deviance, social order and social control. Examine globalisation and crime as well as different impacts of age, gender, class and ethnicity.

Research methods: You will examine a wide range of research methods and carry out practical research.

How long is the course?

Full-time for two academic years.

How will I be assessed?

Through a combination of written exams and practical assessments.

What qualifications do I need?

A minimum of 5 GCSE subjects graded 9-5 including English and Maths. 2 GCSE subjects graded 9-6 (one in an essay-based subject).

What can I progress onto?

You may progress to study at university (Russell group) for a degree in a related subject.

Other Information

As part of your Academic Development Day you'll go on trips, including a moot courtroom where you'll take part in a mock trial, and hear guest talks from academics and those who work in Law and Sociology.

Course Fees

16-18 Year Olds 19+ year olds Free for eligible learners? Is Loan Available?
FREE £993.50 Yes No

Exam Fee


16-18 year olds do not pay exam fees.

Course fees shown are per annum for University Centre courses. Courses lasting longer than one year, fees will be payable per year.

All other courses show the total fees payable for the course.

If you need advice on any financial support that may be available to you, please contact us on or phone 01942 761111

Wigan & Leigh College endeavours to ensure that the information provided on the website is accurate. All courses are offered subject to student numbers and the College reserves the right to amend, withdraw or amalgamate any of the courses, fees, services, locations or facilities described at any time. The College cannot accept liability arising out of such changes or connected to such changes, however it will undertake to minimise disruption to students.