Information for Parents

We are committed to providing a quality learning environment at Wigan & Leigh College that prepares all of our students for the world around them. While we endeavour to recognise that this is a transition from school into a new and exciting adult environment we are firmly committed to providing the boundaries and expectations that help develop young people into valuable, contributing members of society.

Student newsletter

Parent Letter - Autumn Term 2024

Classroom Culture and Top Tips for Success

  • Remain in your seat for the duration of the session do not wander around the classroom unless your tutor asks you to.
  • Do not swap or share handouts, pens or any other resources.
  • Wipe down your workstation before and after use with anti-bacterial wipes provided.
  • If you choose to wear a disposable face covering use the bins provided to throw them away.

The Persian poet Rumi says; “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there”

Top Tips

  • It’s okay to be curious - ask if you have a question.
  • It’s okay to be anxious, if you are concerned, we are here to help.
  • Maintain a routine and be organised, it will help you to remain focused and is a good life skill.

What is netiquette?

Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette and is defined as a set of rules for acceptable online behaviour. Similarly, online ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in an online social environment.

It means respecting other users’ views and displaying common courtesy when posting your views to online discussion groups.

For example, on an email discussion list - where not everyone may have seen past messages - it’s considered polite to quote from a message you’re replying to, so your response has context. It’s also considered polite to keep those quotes short and relevant.

The basic rule

  1. Refrain from personal abuse. You may express robust disagreement with what someone says, but don’t call them names or threaten them with personal violence.
  2. Write clearly and succinctly. On a site that has many non-native English speakers, avoid using slang they may not understand.
  3. Remember that your posts are public. They can be read by your parents, or your tutor.
  4. Stay on-topic, especially when you’re new. Don’t post about football in a hair-care forum or about hair care in a gardening forum!
  5. Don’t expect other people to do your homework for you. If you’relooking for technical help, for example, don’t ask questions you could easily answer yourself by reading the manual or online help provided with the product. When you do ask for help, includedetails of what attempts you’ve made to solve the problem. It will save time and also show people that you are making an effort to help yourself.
  6. Do not post copyrighted material to which you do not own the rights. Sites vary in how strict they are about this, but as well as facing the possibility of legal action by the rights holder, you may also get the site sued.
  7. The site’s owner, perhaps assisted by one or more moderators, has the final say in enforcing the rules.

Helpful Hints

Almost every site has a page for newcomers that describes its rules of good behaviour. Usually this page will appear as the terms and conditions you must agree to when you open your account. However, sites may have additional information. You should read all of it. Check to see if the site has a FAQ (frequently asked questions) section. FAQs typically include questions that have been asked and answered hundreds of times. If you have any queries about site protocol, you will most likely discover the dos and don’ts here. Finally, it’s always wise to see what the discussion group have been talking about for a week or two before you begin to post your messages. Online, as in real life, it can take a long time to get past a bad first impression.

10 Rules of Netiquette

  • Rule 1 The human element
    • Words, photos, or videos that you post are read by real people and they all deserve respectful communication. So before you press that “send” or “submit” button, ask yourself “would I have a problem if someone else had written it?”. Whenever you communicate online, through email, instant messaging, group discussion, or any cyber activity, remember the golden rule “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”.
  • Rule 2 If you wouldn't do it in real life, don't do it online.
    • Would you stand in front someone and be rude faceto- face? Hopefully, you don’t. Stick to that standard online as well.
  • Rule 3 Cyberspace is a diverse place
    • You might be super awkward or funny around your friends, but you behave somehow formally at work; the online space is also geographically dispersed; so the word choice and topics you send to your WhatsApp group should not be the same as the email you send to your colleague, even if it’s between you two.
  • Rule 4 Respect people's time and bandwidth
    • Online communication consumes time and bandwidth (megabytes) and people lead busy lives these days. You don’t want to be that stop sign with your fancy elaborated paragraph. Keep it short and simple, and reduce sending videos and photos that people need to download.
  • Rule 5 Check yourself
    • You will, however, be judged based on your content and engagement, so keep these tips in mind:• Perform spelling and grammar checks, Grammarly, is FREE and integrates seamlessly online.• Make sure you did your homework on the subject and chose clear words.• Be positive and courteous in your general behavior.
  • Rule 6 Share your expertise
    • Information can live on the internet forever, where it will remain accessible by people for years to come. Sharing your expertise consistently plays a big part in shaping your personal brand; this is how influencers are made.
  • Rule 7 Extinguish Flame wars (metaphorically speaking)
    • Flaming is when people express their annoyance on a subject without withholding their emotions. Flame wars, however, is when two or more people exchange angry and explicit posts between each other. This must be controlled before it escalates to compromise the integrity of the group. Don’t feed the flames; extinguish them by guiding the discussion back to a more productive direction.
  • Rule 8 Respect people's privacy
    • Maybe you mentioned someone in a rather embarrassing story or wrote a post that revealed something they were trying to hide. What do you think the consequences would be? Embarrassment? Hurt feelings? Job loss maybe? So remember rule #1 “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”.
  • Rule 9 With great power comes great responsibility
    • Being extremely tech-savvy these days gives you great leverage. If that’s you, make sure you’re not abusing your power to hurt others. Thou shalt not hack your friends, for instance.
  • Rule 10 Forgive
    • At some point, you will see a stupid question, read an unnecessarily long response, or encounter misspelled words; when this happens, practice kindness and forgiveness as you would hope someone would do if you had committed the same offence. If it’s a minor “offence” you might want to let it slide. If you feel compelled to respond to a mistake, do so in a private email rather than a public forum.

Exams Information

  • All students must access the exam regulations, found on the student VLE. They must ensure that they are aware of these regulations before taking any exams.
  • A reminder that students must not bring any unauthorised materials into the exam room – mobile phones, watches, notes etc. Failure to follow this regulation may result in disqualification from the exam.
  • Students must arrive in good time for all of their exams. GCSE English and Maths exams are all scheduled during AM sessions – students should keep this in mind when planning their travel to college. Late arrival may result in disqualification from the exam.
  • Exam dates, times, allocated rooms and seat numbers can be viewed via student Pro Portal accounts
  • Students must bring all required equipment to their exams. Calculators should be bought well in advance of exam sessions so that they can familiarise themselves with how they work.
  • Students must bring their college ID cards to all exams.